Tag: Interior Design

  • Building a garden studio: how to start

    Building a garden studio: how to start

    Disclaimer: this is not a set of instructions. This is more of a diary of how I am going to set about building my very own garden studio. Ever since we bought this house, we had a garden room planned. At first, it was meant as teenager hideaway, as we had work space inside the…

  • 5 tips to set up your home office

    5 tips to set up your home office

    Hi everyone – can I tell you a secret? Once upon a time, I had a blog about architecture and interiors. And in that blog, I wrote several articles that are still relevant – but they are all in Portuguese 🙈 as it happens, one of the posts I wrote nearly eight years ago was…

  • FAQ! The stuff people ask us.

    FAQ! The stuff people ask us.

    Every time I mention I am an interior designer, this is met with curiosity and, occasionally, puzzlement. What DOES an interior designer do? Broadly speaking, an interior designer concern themselves with the interior of buildings, but there will be a wide variety of things we do – and don’t do! Here are some of the…